Is Lack of Diversity a Bigger Problem for IP In-House Lawyers?

Jean Lee, president and CEO of the Minority Corporate Counsel Association, said she was not surprised by the report’s finding on the prevalence of discrimination. Her group was involved in a racial and gender bias survey that was released last year and made comparable...

The Mansfield Rule Helps Lawyers Tackle Diversity

Minorities are scarcest at the top: while minority lawyers now comprise a record 16 percent of law firms, only 9 percent of law partners are people of color, according to research by the Minority Corporate Counsel Association (MCCA). But even the overall progress...

Diversity Training Won’t Change Your Behavior (or Trump’s)

Sadly, this all also reconfirms research conducted by the legal industry. In a study by the American Bar Association’s commission on women and the Minority Corporate Counsel Association, the finding was that the profession’s gender equality and diversity efforts over...

How Millennials Are Changing Law Firms, Legal Departments

Jean Lee, president and CEO of the Minority Corporate Counsel Association, said millennials likely aren’t loyal to a company because of status or money, but because the organization allows them to fulfill their passions and purpose for greater things.

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