In 2016, MCCA developed the Equity Track Program (“Equity Track” or “Program”) to address the lack of diversity within the equity partnership levels at majority law firms as reported in our Law Firm Diversity Survey Report. 

The Equity Track is a twelve-month program, and we will select ten partners at major law firms for our next Program.  

We develop the Equity Track cohort by providing the following interactive classroom programs: (i) relationship development that turns into business; (ii) refined executive presence and communications; (iii) mock pitch sessions with senior in-house lawyers; and (iv) navigation of billing and origination credit. 

This program also includes the “Kitchen Cabinet” — a panel comprised of a rainmaker from each partner’s firm, a senior in-house lawyer who has the authority to provide a book of business and make introductions to other senior in-house lawyers, and an executive coach focused on promoting the partner during the twelve months and beyond. 

To view an example of a previous year’s application, please click here.

2019-2020 Equity Track Participants

Equity Track Mentors

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