Research Reprint Request

Getting Permission to Reprint MCCA Material

MCCA grants permission to attorney gatherings focused on advancing diversity, equity and inclusion in law firms and corporate law departments, bar associations and other educational institutions to reprint magazine articles and research reports from our website, provided that the reprint is for educational or nonprofit purposes.

There is no charge for use of the materials, but MCCA does not allow anyone to sell its materials for profit or to market law firms and individuals.

Request Instructions

Please access the reprint request form by clicking here. Submit the info to Note: Please allow for a turnaround time of five business days.

MCCA will review the request and, if reprint permission is granted, the following text needs to appear on the first page of the materials reprinted:

©  [YEAR of WORK] Minority Corporate Counsel Association, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of the Minority Corporate Counsel Association, Inc. (MCCA). All rights reserved. Further reproduction, photocopy, or distribution without the written permission of MCCA is prohibited.

In addition, the following text needs to appear on every page, except the first page:


For Materials to Appear in Printed Format

Upon receiving one-time non-exclusive MCCA rights to reprint the requested material, all material must appear exactly as originally printed unless approved in writing by MCCA.

MCCA must receive a complimentary copy of the publication containing the reprinted material.

For Materials to Appear in Electronic Format

Approved users will be allowed to keep the materials on their sites for a period of six months, at which time they will need to reapply for permission to extend the allowance period. Please note that the policy regarding changes to printed material applies to website postings as well. MCCA must be informed when the material is posted to the site.

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