Archived Issue

January/February 2004
Cover Story: NAPABA’s Best Lawyers Under 40 for 2003
MCCA® is proud to present the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association’s (NAPABA) list of Best Lawyers Under 40, chosen from over 40,000 NAPABA members. “Youth, dedication, and determination – these attorneys have it all…” says Wilson Chu, a member of the Best Lawyers Under 40 selection committee and partner with Haynes and Boone, L.L.P., a Thomas L. Sager award-winning firm.
NAPABA’s Best Lawyers Under 40 for 2003
By Michael Chu
NAPABA's Best Lawyers Under 40 at its annual conference in Hawaii. Top (L to R): Rachel Puno, Elaine Lu, Albert Tan, Robert Kim, Paul Chan, and Luan Tran. Bottom (L…
The Black Enterprise List of Top Black Lawyers
Black Enterprise magazine recently published its list of America's top Black attorneys (see November 2003 issue), marking the first time that any major business journal has focused on African American…
Diversity in Mentoring Relationships: Making it Work
By Ida O. Abbott, Esq. , By Rita S. Boags Ph.D
For lawyers, the importance of mentoring is well established. In the legal workplace, mentoring promotes learning and development within the context of a personal relationship. It occurs when a lawyer…
A New Forum: MCCA’s Diversity Dialogues
By Heather Bradley , By Miriam Bamberger Grogan
In 2003, MCCA‘s Board of Directors made the commitment to expand the association's presence in each geographic region by showcasing local diversity best practices. A new forum, the "Diversity Dialogue,"…
Rainmaking Strategies: It’s All in the Asking
By Heather Bradley , By Miriam Bamberger Grogan
Imagine a series of meetings with a potential client. You have established your own personal brand: you have selected and are comfortable with the fact that your non-verbal traits and…
Notes from the Executive Director
By Veta T. Richardson
Toasting Your Success! It’s time to ring in the New Year and put your personal plan of action in place for 2004.Then set your sights on what you want to…
D&B Brief
By Maureen Costello, M.A., CIP
Advancing Your Career: Personal Branding Strategy for Positive First Impressions Miriam Bamberger, CPCC, and Heather Bradley, CPCC, are the co-founders of The Flourishing Company, which helps emerging professionals sharpen their…
By Tom Calarco
Tania Shah Narang: Working for Lawyers in Every Community Tania Shah Narang learned learned firsthand of the legal struggles faced by immigrants. “My parents were first-generation immigrants from India,” she…