Veta T. Richardson Photo by John Abbott Photography
The end of the year is traditionally a time to count one’s blessings and look ahead with optimism for the coming year. But I am really straining to do so this year, and I suspect I am not alone in this struggle.
As I pen this column, our nation is about two weeks away from an historic presidential election, following a campaign season that witnessed far too much mudslinging and divisiveness on both sides. We’re also facing unprecedented economic challenges that threaten our financial security. In times of uncertainty, perhaps it’s natural to want to spend time looking out the rear-view mirror and longing for what we had—especially when the road ahead is unpaved and bumpy, and when it feels like the effort we’re making is not reflected in the return we’re receiving.
When our investments are not yielding acceptable rates of return, maybe we need to reexamine where we are investing. Although we cannot control our rates of return in the financial markets, one investment that always yields high dividends is the one we choose to make in one another. Therefore, I’d like to encourage all of us to focus on how we can pull together to meet the professional challenges that lie ahead.
In coming months, you will hear more about a national online mentoring program that MCCA is launching in mid-November, thanks to the financial support of our 10x10x10 Campaign donors. You’ve heard of match.com® for dating? Well, MCCA’s new service will be the place to make a match for mentoring. It’s called the KAN-Do! Mentoring Program, and details will be available at www.mcca.com.
I encourage you to check back with MCCA often for details on this and other exciting initiatives. In the meantime, please consider that these challenging times may present an opportunity to examine the investments we make every day in one another, as well as in our shared community. DB
Veta T. Richardson
From the November/December 2008 issue of Diversity & The Bar®