Archived Issue

September 2002
Cover Story: A Decade of Diversity: The DuPont Legal Model
Read about what DuPont Company has done for a decade to ensure that it is a model for every corporate law department committed to a diverse workforce. Learn how its streamlined way of doing business became known as the DuPont Legal Model, and how it has impacted recruiting and retention of minorities and women at DuPont’s legal department and its primary law firms.
A Decade of Diversity: The DuPont Legal Model
By Ralph Crosby
Read about what DuPont Company has done for a decade to ensure that it is a model for every corporate law department committed to a diverse workforce. Learn how its streamlined way of doing business became known as the DuPont Legal Model, and how it has impacted recruiting and retention of minorities and women at DuPont’s legal department and its primary law firms.
The Gay-Friendly Workplace: An Achievable Goal for the Legal Profession
By E.J. Graff
In Part 2 of this series, we sought the advice of gay and lesbian lawyers at firms and corporations. We asked them: How can legal employer’s create a workplace that welcomes gay and lesbian employees, freeing them to do their very best work? Read the responses to some candid questions and don’t forget to share this article with those making employment decisions at your company.
A Journey, Not A Destination: Diversity Efforts Underway at Leading Law Firms
By Hope Ferguson
Read about four law firms whose diversity focus reflects the international practice of law and the clients they represent. While each of these firms recognize that they have a long road ahead, they are committed to making a difference.
Notes from the Executive Director
By Veta T. Richardson
Bridge the Gap This past summer, I had the pleasure of meeting several outstanding law students, who are newly graduated and ready to enter the profession. They do so at…
Spotlighting – John E. Huerta
By Donna Dick
Personal Best: Formal Civil Rights Attorney Finds Success as Smithsonian GC In the late 1950s, John E. Huerta, general counsel at the Smithsonian Institution, remembers being so outraged by discrimination…