Archived Issue
September 2000
Cover Story – Lessons from the Leaders: Getting to the Top
The efforts being made by some companies to expand career opportunities for minority attorneys are leading to a new wave of law department initiatives to help everyone, not just minorities, to have better mentoring and career development experiences.
PepsiCo: Professional Development Track at the MCCA Annual Conference
By Joyce Jones
MCCA Board member and corporate counsel for Pepsico Inc. It has been many years since “diversity” first entered the corporate lexicon, yet companies across the nation, and indeed the world,…
Roundtable: Establishing Best Practices in Diversity
By Jeanna Steele
While representation of minorities in corporate law departments has increased over the last ten years, today there are still only 15 minority general counsel in the Fortune 500. That’s less…
A Day in the Life of Law Students of Color: From the Classroom to the Courtroom
By Danielle K. Little Esq.
The future looks optimistic, but minority grads must be better prepared to compete in the legal marketplace Joan M. Haratani "I would hate to see doors closed because [law students]…
The St. Paul Companies Manage Diverse Staff Attorney Program
When Larry Cobb, a St. Paul Companies attorney, took a look at the staff attorney program one day in 1993, he realized that it was lacking something—diversity. The staff attorney…
Vincent Cohen: Trailblazing Trial Attorney
By Joyce Jones
Vincent Cohen Vincent Cohen is the man: former all-American, local political Midas, and a managing partner at Hogan & Hartson, one of Washington, D.C.’s toniest law firms. He radiates warmth…
Kirk G. Forrest: Happy In-House and in Tulsa
By Michael K. Watts
Kirk G. Forrest Kirk G. Forrest has experienced life with the law as both inside and outside counsel, in the big city and the not-so-big city. But today, he’s happy…
Publisher’s Perspective: Priming the Pump
Lloyd Johnson There is one fact about business in the new economy and in the new millennium that is virtually undeniable—a fully engaged, diverse and inclusive work force is a…