Archived Issue

May/June 2004
Cover Story: MCCA® 2004 Report on General Counsel of Color Leading Fortune 500 Companies
In this year’s March/April issue of Diversity & the Bar®, MCCA® presented an in-depth report on women general counsel. In this companion piece, read about the status of minority chief legal officers at the nation’s Fortune 500 companies. Although the latest numbers seem promising, a closer look reveals that law is falling behind in comparison to other professions. Find out how these competing trends affect minority corporate lawyers as they reach for the top.
Managing Diversity For Success
By Elizabeth McArthur
Businesses that fail to successfully manage diversity will suffer economic and social consequences. A workplace culture that allows low morale, employee turnover, harassment, discrimination, absenteeism, and disruption to work teams…
In-House Route: Minorities in Corporate Law
By Alea J. Mitchell
For many attorneys who are mid-career, work demands increasingly must be managed along with care for young children, aging parents, and the desire for new challenges. A corporate legal environment…
Notes from the Executive Director
By Veta T. Richardson
And Still We Rise I am a descendant of African slaves from Virginian plantations and Filipino immigrants who came to America in search of opportunity. Without question, the experiences of…
D&B Brief
By Heather Bradley , By Miriam Bamberger Grogan
This Land Was Made for You and Me Miriam Bamberger, CPCC, and Heather Bradley, CPCC, are the co-founders of The Flourishing Company, which helps emerging professionals sharpen their leadership skills…
By Tom Calarco
Beverly Burke: Breaking Down Barriers When Beverly Burke graduated from George Washington University’s National Law Center in 1978, she faced a legal profession that closed doors in the face of…