Archived Issue

January/February 2003
Cover Story: Wall Street Watch: Who’s Bullish on Diversity
We spoke with the general counsel of four leading financial services companies who have taken a more bullish approach when it comes to diversity. Read about their views and approaches to corporate law departments’ diversity challenges.
Wall Street Watch: Who’s Bullish on Diversity
By Alea J. Mitchell
General Counsel: (L to R) Wayne Budd, John Hancock Financial Services; Rosemary Berkery, Merrill Lynch; and Don Kempf, Morgan Stanley Wall Street. That frenetically-paced, challenging world of finance, where millions…
The Power Game: Issues and Strategies for Corporate Attorneys of Color
By Judith L. Turnock
The rules of the power game are unwritten, and it is difficult to find anyone who can explain them to you. In this article, read about developing a personal strategy to succeed.
GM, Ford, and Comerica Promote Diversity
By Scott A. Talley
The collaborative efforts of these three companies to promote diversity through their Minority Counsel Networking conference are worthy of attention.
National Juror Perception Survey
By Galina Davidoff, Ph.D.
National Juror Perception Survey Warns that People of Different Color Have One Thing in Common: Distrust Toward Corporations MCCA® recently partnered with DecisionQuest (now Bowne DecisionQuest) to conduct a first-of-its-kind…
Scholarships as Pathways to Diversity: AIPLEF Awards $90,000
By Alea J. Mitchell
IP Foundation Scholarship recipients (front row left to right) Autondria Minor; Deidra Ritcherson; Alexis Hart (backing them, left to right) Anthony Greene, President, IP Foundation; Sidney B. Williams; Roger Parkhurst,…
By Cari M. Dominguez
Views from the EEOC Freedom to Compete: EEOC’s Human Capital Initiative Cari Dominguez The Freedom To Compete Initiative advances the EEOC’s mission to prevent and eradicate employment discrimination. It is…
D&B Brief
By Heather Bradley , By Miriam Bamberger Grogan
Intentionally at the Right Place at the Right Time Strategic Networking Miriam Bamberger, CPCC, and Heather Bradley, CPCC, are the co-founders of The Flourishing Company, which helps emerging professionals sharpen…
Notes from the Executive Director
By Veta T. Richardson
Stimulating Progress With the Supreme Court set to review the status of admissions policies such as those at the University of Michigan, it appears that consideration of race as one…
By Tom Calarco
An Admired Leader: Robbie E.B. Narcisse Robbie E. B. Narcisse, deputy general counsel for Pitney Bowes Inc., an integrated mail and document management solutions provider, reveals that the road to…