Archived Issue
September/October 2003
Cover Story: Balancing Act: Work-to-Life Balance in Departments and Firms
Want to know how your colleagues were able to negotiate flexible working schedules? Read about how job sharing, telecommuting, flex-time, and part-time schedules help attorneys balance their personal and professional lives and get tips for making the change yourself.
Balancing Act: Work-to-Life Balance in Departments and Firms
By Alea J. Mitchell
(Standing L to R) Jeanne Runne, Associate General Counsel, Fannie Mae, and Janet Hunt, Associate General Counsel, Fannie Mae It's one of the most familiar clichés in the business world:…
A Diversity Self-Assessment Tool for Law Firms
By Audra Bohannon , By Maureen Giovannini , By Nicole Robitaille , By Patricia Fitzgerald
In a busy, competitive world where people are increasingly anxious to benchmark against their peers, there are no easy answers. In fact, the race is often won by those who…
Advice from Hiring Partners to Minority Law Students: Landing a Law Firm Job
By Elisabeth Frater, Esq.
Minority law school graduates who are searching for a law firm position during this period of economic downturn will quickly learn that there is more to acing an interview than…
A Compelling Case: Diversity Prevails at the Supreme Court Level
By Alea J. Mitchell
In an important victory for supporters of affirmative action on June 23, the United States Supreme Court upheld diversity as a compelling state interest and supported the affirmative action program…
By Cari M. Dominguez
Views from the EEOC Evolving Trends in the 21st Century Workplace Cari Dominguez During the past four decades, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has not wavered from its overall…
D&B Brief
By Heather Bradley , By Miriam Bamberger Grogan
Life Balance: Can’t Get No Satisfaction Miriam Bamberger, CPCC, and Heather Bradley, CPCC, are the co-founders of The Flourishing Company, which helps emerging professionals sharpen their leadership skills to generate…
Notes from the Executive Director
By Veta T. Richardson
Autumn Renewal Each autumn marks a return to the familiar rhythms of our own busy schedules. Students return to school. Employees return to work following summer holidays. New schedules are…
By Alea J. Mitchell
Making Diversity Work! American Airlines AA Attorneys (L to R): Senior Environmental Attorney Joan Krajewski; Employment Attorney Andrea Clark; Environmental Attorney Gary Epperley; Senior Employment Attorney Robert Taylor; Employment Attorney…