Archived Issue

November/December 2003
Cover Story: Spotlighting MCCA’s 2003 Award Winners
The Winners’ Circle: Profiles of Top Law Departments and Law Firms
What does it take to be the best of the best? MCCA’s 2003 winners of the Employer of Choice, Sager, Trailblazer, and Rainbowmaker awards, which are given to law departments, firms, and individuals, know it takes a top-down, across the board commitment to diversity, no matter what. In the pages that follow, read their diversity profiles and learn what makes them diversity leaders.
Alternative Work Arrangements: Overcoming Challenges
By Alea J. Mitchell
(In the last issue of Diversity & the Bar®, we profiled several attorneys who utilized Alternative Work Arrangements to more effectively manage their personal and professional lives. In this month's…
Diversity Drives Change for Corporate Boards
By T. Sumner Robinson
For many years in corporate America, selection to a board of directors too often followed a familiar and similar pattern: The candidate's main qualification was that he (and yes, it…
Spotlighting MCCA’s 2003 Award Winners
By Alea J. Mitchell
The Winner’s Circle: Profiles of Top Departments and Law Firms Every year the closing issue of Diversity & the Bar® features profiles of our award winners. MCCA® publicly recognizes corporate…
Uncharted Waters: Exploring International Job Opportunities
By Kendal Tyre
With the increasing globalization of the legal market, growing numbers of attorneys are embarking on a career path that involves some aspect of international law or the legal cultures and…
By Cari M. Dominguez
Views from the EEOC Global Diversity: The Next Frontier in Human Capital Management Cari Dominguez In this increasingly global marketplace, more U.S. companies are committing resources and personnel overseas than…
D&B Brief
By Heather Bradley , By Miriam Bamberger Grogan
The Ins and Outs of Managing Miriam Bamberger, CPCC, and Heather Bradley, CPCC, are the co-founders of The Flourishing Company, which helps emerging professionals sharpen their leadership skills to generate…
Notes from the Executive Director
By Veta T. Richardson
A Dynamic Year From start to finish, 2003 marked a dynamic year for MCCA®. The year-end offers a perfect opportunity to thank you — our readers, advertisers, members, and financial…
Spotlighting – Cornell Boggs
By Tom Calarco
General Counsel and Mentor: Cornell Boggs Cornell Boggs credits his success to a series of role models and mentors throughout his life. Recently appointed general counsel for Tyco Plastics and…
Spotlighting – Robert Grey
By Tom Calarco
American Bar Association President-Elect: Robert Grey You could say that Robert Grey, president-elect of the American Bar Association, is a product of his neighborhood. He grew up in the same…