Archived Issue
May 2000
Cover Story – Women General Counsel in the Fortune 500: Taking Risks and Setting the Standard for Success
Women lawyers are making significant strides in the corporate world. Of the general counsel who run the Fortune 500’s legal departments, 43 are women. Fifty-six percent of the women general counsel were hired between 1996 and 2000 and on average, they manage 30 attorneys and legal budgets in the millions of dollars. There’s no reason this trend should stop: There’s plenty of qualified women attorneys working their way up the legal department corporate ladder.
Women General Counsel in the Fortune 500: Taking Risks and Setting the Standard for Success
Featured in this article: Susan R. Lichtenstein (Ameritech) Pamela Strobel (Unicom Corporation) Rebecca Goss (Eli Lilly and Company) On deck Pamela B. Strobel, Susan R. Lichtenstein, and Rebecca O. Goss…
Attorneys of Color in the Dot Com World
By Danielle K. Little Esq.
Anthony Pierce Anthony Pierce The explosive growth of Internet capabilities and electronic commerce has revolutionized the way in which business is conducted. As mature and start up internet companies continue…
The 2000 Sager Awards
By Jill Chukerman , By Kalen Monaghan
Foley & Lardner and Winston & Strawn are honored for sustained commitment to diversity Sharon Barner of Foley & Lardner accepts Sager Award from Andrea Zopp, Sara Lee. The Minority…
Brett Hart: Dynamic Litigator
By Jill Chukerman , By Kalen Monaghan
Brett J. Hart Brett J. Hart understands the importance of setting a good example—and having one. Early in life, he was influenced by the positive examples of mentors. “I decided…